Lief’s Multimedia Designer, Sumner Willrodt, Discusses Innovative Ingredient Trends in Esports

In an article for SupplySide Business Journal (formerly Natural Products Insider), Sumner Willrodt, Lief’s Multimedia Designer, and Corey  Dungan discuss the product development trends in esports and how brands can maximize market positioning.

According to a recent industry report, in 2022, the global esports market was valued at just over 1.38 billion U.S. dollars with a forecast to grow to as much as 1.87 billion U.S. dollars in 2025. As the overall esports market continues to grow, dietary supplement brands have been carving an innovative niche within the growing space to develop and position nutritional products aiming to support the primary health needs most associated with professional and high-level gaming. These health benefit targets include support for cognitive functions such as focus and mental clarity, stress and anxiety reduction, sustained energy, and vision health, among others.

In order to differentiate themselves in the growing esports and gaming supplements space, there are a number of innovative ingredients and product development trends, as well as important marketing and brand positioning elements, for brands to consider as they build and expand their strategies.


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