For us to better understand your business, please complete the application below. The more information you can provide, the better as it helps us understand the opportunity and value we can provide.
Company Name
Position Title
Contact Email
Phone Number
Company Website
Years in Business
Business Location
Quantity of Active SKUs
Current Employees Count
Previous Year’s Revenue (if applicable)
YTD Revenue
5-Year Projected Revenue
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability.
Describe your target consumer and the unique selling proposition or value ad you provide them that is different than your competitors?
Explain your sales channels and marketing strategy.
Explain your social media strategy. (if applicable)
What is the CEO’s or Founder’s background?
What are the key areas your company needs support in?
Do you currently have financing?
If you are a start-up, what experience do the founders have?
What interests you about the Lief Ventures Program?
What is the current ownership structure?
Describe your market segment.